Raw Pumpkin Pie Tarts from Raw Manda

Raw Pumpkin Pie Tarts (Vegan) from RawManda
From Raw Manda:

The best thing about this pie is that the crust is really hard to mess up. You’d have to really try. I’m pointing out this awesome fact because that’s the part of pie making that seems to really get people flustered. This raw crust is not only extremely delicious with an amazing texture, but it’s also ten times better for you. So pass up on the stressful holiday baking and create something that’s enjoyable to make.

Indeed!  These delicious mini pumpkin pie tarts are perfect for Thanksgiving and throughout the holiday season.  Best of all, they are healthy and nutritious - featuring ingredients that include white mulberries, dates, pecans, coconut butter, almond milk and traditional spices.

Recipe details,  a complete list of ingredients and step-by-step instructions at Raw Pumpkin Pie Tarts - RawManda.

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