Plant-Based Professional Chef Certification Course!

RouxBe Online Plant-Based Professional
Certification Course
I am so excited to have signed up for the online Plant-Based Professional Certification Course offered by RouxBe Cooking School!

RouxBe, founded in 2005, is a members-only online cooking school delivering 21st century culinary and wellness instruction to home cooks, schools, restaurants and professional culinary academies in over 180 countries, and has been endorsed for quality education by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation

The six month plant-based pro course offers foundation instruction in plant-based culinary arts, focusing on a full introduction to and application of core techniques in the plant-based kitchen, including advanced raw food techniques, and  health supportive cooking (no oil, low sodium and gluten-free options).

The course is led by world-renowned plant-based chef and wellness educator Chad Sarno who, together with Kris Carr, co-wrote Crazy Sexy Kitchen: 150 Plant-Empowered Recipes to Ignite a Mouthwatering Revolution.

Since the course doesn't start for three more weeks, and because I can't just sit here and wait to begin, I also signed up for the RouxBe lifetime membership.  This will give me access to 13 other general cooking courses and numerous cooking school lessons that are designed to target specific, focused subject matters like food plating, seasoning and knife selection, cutting and sharpening skills.

I plan to use this blog to chronicle my experience at RouxBe to not only track my personal progress through the various courses and lessons but also to hopefully inspire others to learn more about plant-based nutrition and cooking techniques.  Just so you know ... I am not a paid affiliate of RouxBe.  Whatever I record about my RouxBe experience will be from an unbiased, open-minded and honest perspective, and not with a view of making any commissions on referrals of students to RouxBe. 
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